FIB Unud Collaborated with LSP P2 Budaya Kemdikbudristek to Implement Competency Certification for Lecturers

Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FIB Unud) in collaboration with LSP P2 Budaya Kemdikbudristek held a competency certification for lecturers. This event lasted for four days from 15-18 October 2024 at the City of Adventus Hotel, Denpasar. This certification program was attended not only by lecturers from FIB Unud but also from the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Engineering, and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. There were four certification schemes that were tested, the first was Intangible Cultural Heritage Expert which was attended by six lecturers, Cultural Heritage Restoration Expert which was attended by six lecturers, Expert Level Oral Tradition Manager which was attended by five lecturers, and Museum Curator which was attended by six lecturers.

The opening ceremony of this certification was attended by the Rector of Unud, Prof. Ir. I Ketut Sudarsana, S.T., Ph.D, Dean of FIB Unud I Nyoman Aryawibawa, S.S., M.A., Ph.D, Chairperson of LSP P2 Budaya Kemdikbudristek, Sri Hartini, M.Si. The Dean of FIB Unud in his speech gave his appreciation to the organizing committee and hoped that this certification would have a positive impact on the institution and society. "Cultural Competency Certification is important as one of the competencies to meet the needs of society and government," said the Dean of FIB.

The Rector of Unud said that this certification can improve the professionalism of lecturers as well as fulfilling the IKU. The Rector also said that this certification is in line with Unud's vision and mission towards PTNBH.

The head of the event committee, Kristiawan, M.A. said that the competence of Cultural Heritage Restoration Experts can demonstrate professionalism that can be the main demand in the cultural sector. This shows that the professionalism of Unud lecturers is not only about having qualified skills and knowledge, but also about formal recognition.