FIB Unud Holds Learning Evaluation Workshop to Update Postgraduate Curriculum

The Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FoH Unud) held a Learning Evaluation Workshop with the sub-theme Postgraduate Curriculum Review on 27 – 28 June 2024. This event took place in a hybrid manner which took place in the Soekarno Room, Gd Poerbatjaraka FoH Unud, Jalan Pulau Nias no. 13 Denpasar.

This event was attended by the Coordinator of the Doctoral and Master's Study Programs in Linguistics and Cultural Studies, home base lecturers, Doctoral and Master's teaching lecturers, the Quality Assurance Unit and the Study Program Quality Assurance Team (TPPMP), Alumni of the Doctoral and Master's Degrees in Linguistics and Cultural Studies, as well as users (stakeholders).

In this activity, FoH Unud invited 2 speakers, namely Prof. Dr. Lukman, M.S., who is the Coordinator of the Linguistics Study Program, Hassanudin University (Unhas) Doctoral Program, and Prof. Dr. I Wayan Budiasa, S.P., M.P., Director of Postgraduate Programs at Unud.

Prof. Lukman, M.S., in his presentation shared the experience of the Unhas Doctoral Program Linguistics Study Program in implementing the Doctoral by Research Program while conveying a comparison with the implementation of the regular Doctoral program (by course). The presentation was made online via zoom meeting.

Prof. Budiasa, who was present offline in the Soekarno Room FoH Unud, delivered the topic of discussion regarding the Review of the UNUD Postgraduate Program Curriculum by adopting the latest regulations (Permendikbudristek No 52/2023).

The workshop on the second day was conducted by discussing the Curriculum Overview of Doctoral and Master's Degree Study Programs in Linguistics and Cultural Studies. In this session, all doctoral and postgraduate study program lecturers within FoH were also present to discuss the Curriculum draft, Graduate Learning Outcomes , weighting of grades in courses in the 4 study programs as well as technical matters related to the curriculum taking into account the latest regulations (Permendikbudristekdikti No. 53/2024).

Coordinator of the Learning Development and Quality Assurance Unit FIB Unud, Dr. Ni Ketut Widhiarcani Matradewi, S.S, M.Hum, stated that the aim of holding this activity was to update the existing postgraduate program curriculum within FIB Unud by adopting new regulations from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

"We hope that through holding this workshop, we can produce an updated draft of the Master's and Doctoral curriculum by adopting the latest regulations on it," explained Dr. Matradewi. (nm)