FIB UNUD Received a Visit from SMA Indocement Bogor

On Friday, March 1 2024, the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Udayana received a visit from SMA Indocement Bogor students. The students and their teachers were greeted by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning FIB Unud. The visit was received at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium FIB Unud, Jalan Pulau Nias Number 13 Denpasar.

In his speech, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning FIB Unud, Dr. I Gede Oeinada, S.S., M.Hum., welcomed the visiting participants and thanked them for choosing FIB Unud as the destination of the visit. He hopes that the participants will obtain information related to FIB Unud during the visit so that they will be motivated to continue their studies at FIB Unud.


On this occasion, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning FIB Unud, Dr. I Gede Oeinada, S.S., M.Hum., explained information related to FIB, starting from history, study programs, facilities, ORMAWA and UKM within FIB Unud to the admissions pathways that apply at Universitas Udayana.

The enthusiasm of the study tour participants in getting to know FIB was really great. In this session various questions emerged from students and accompanying teachers.


After the discussion session, the event closed with the handover of token of appreciation from SMA Indocement Bogor to FIB Unud and a group photo activity. (nm)