Ganesha Education University Lecturer Awarded Doctoral Degree in the Linguistics from Linguistics Doctoral Program, Faculty of Humanities, Unud

A lecturer from the Ganesha Education University succeeded in obtaining a doctorate degree in the Linguistics from Linguistics Doctoral Program, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University with the doctoral promotion on Friday, April 5 2024 in Dr. Ir. Sukarno room. I Wayan Swandana, S.S., M. Hum. was declared as the 206th doctoral graduate at the Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University and the 227th doctoral graduate in the Linguistics Program.

Promovendus has completed a dissertation entitled " Perilaku Sintaksis Verba Primer Transitif Bahasa Bali: Kajian Tipologi Linguistik ". Promovendus in his dissertation explained the types of primary transitive verbs exist in Balinese. This dissertation also discusses the argument structure of Balinese transitive primary verbs, then the types of clauses that fill complementary clauses of Balinese transitive primary verbs.

Promovendus obtains three conclusions related to the syntactic behavior of transitive primary verbs in Balinese. The types of transitive primary verbs in Balinese can be classified into two, namely: (1) type A transitive primary verbs, and (2) type B transitive primary verbs. Type A transitive primary verbs are verbs in which each argument slot is only filled by a noun phrase unit. A type B transitive primary verb is a verb whose argument slot can be filled by a noun phrase or clause unit. Type A transitive primary verbs are classified into several subtypes, namely movement verbs, rest verbs, influence verbs, giving verbs, physical verbs, and other verbs. Type B primary verbs can be classified into several subtypes, namely: attention verbs, thinking verbs, termination verbs, conversation verbs, favorite verbs, annoyance verbs, and other verbs.

Prof. Ketut Artawa, M.A., Ph.D. as the promoter said that not many student took this topic, because many considered this topic to be heavier than the topic of sociolinguistics. In fact, this syntax topic is easier because there are formulas as a reference. According to Prof. Ketut Artawa, M.A., Ph.D. This dissertation will be very meaningful for studying the Balinese language. (Agt)