Studying the Application of Non-Thesis, English Literature Study Program at Udayana University Conducts Benchmarking at the University of Indonesia

The circulation of Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture’s regulation No. 53 of 2023 which states that undergraduate students are not required to have a thesis, has inspired the English Literature Study Program of Udayana University to carry out benchmarking with the Universitas Indonesia (UI), especially the UI English Literature Study Program which has already implemented it.

This benchmarking activity was carried out virtually on April 24 2024, inviting Asri Saraswati, S.Hum., M.Hum. Ph.D and Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih, S.Hum., M.Sc., Ph.D from the English Literature Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of Indonesia and attended by the Coordinator of the FoH UNUD English Literature Study Program Prof. Dr. I Wayan Mulyawan, S.S., M.Hum. along with members of the quality assurance team.

In the discussion session, UI informed that the way they implemented non-thesis was by revising the existing curriculum structure and leaving courses in semester 6 and only filling them with MBKM (free to learn) programs, while in the 7th Semester, students could concentrate more on making final assignments in the form of making draft articles without having to publish them while still receiving guidance from lecturers who have expertise in the field of interest. There are no special prerequisites, it's just that students still make proposals with the guidance of their supervisor and test them with a team of examiners. This certainly reduces the mental burden on students who previously had to struggle with their thesis as their final assignment to determine graduation. Of course, this inspired the English Literature Study Program of FoH UNUD to create a design as a form of implementing the regulations of Minister of Education and Culture No. 53 of 2023 and realizes that Freedom of Learning is given to students not only through programs but also in completing final assignments that do not burden students. (ary)