The Balinese Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University Held A Public Lecture "Mainstreaming Manuscripts"

The Balinese Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University held a public lecture discussing the topic "Mainstreaming Manuscripts" on Wednesday, May 15 2024. The public lecture was held in the Priyono Room, Udayana University Faculty of Cultural Sciences Building, Jl. Pulau Nias No. 13, Denpasar. This public lecture was attended by Dr. Made Suparta as speaker, Drs. I Dewa Gede Windhu Sancaya as the moderator e, and was also attended by several lecturers and students at the Faculty of Humanities at Udayana University, especially at the Balinese Literature Study Program.


The public lecture activity was opened with remarks by the Dean of FIB, I Nyoman Arya Wibawa, S.S, M.A., Ph.D. In his speech, the dean conveyed the importance of preserving the Balinese language, and also expressed his appreciation to the Coordinator of the Bali Literature Study Program and his staff for their efforts in initiating the continuation of this public lecture activity.


Next, the public lecture activities continued with a discussion of the existing topic, namely "Mainstreaming Manuscripts." This public lecture this time discusses the importance of manuscripts in the development of Balinese and Javanese cultural civilization, the vital role of manuscripts in cultural and political policies, the close relationship between ancient Balinese and ancient Javanese, the history of civilization in Bali and the close relationship between the islands of Bali and Java.


At the end of the activity agenda, this public lecture closed with a closing speech by the Coordinator of Balinese Literature Study Program. He expressed his gratitude to the speaker for his availability to provide material presentations regarding the importance of manuscripts. Coordinator of Balinese Literature Study Program also hoped that in the future, they can initiate public lecture activities like this to provide a deeper understanding of manuscripts, because this topic is very vital and important to know, especially for students. (ben)