To Maintain Service Quality, FIB Unud Conducts Internal Quality Audit

In order to maintain and improve the quality of educational services, the Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University (FIB Unud) held an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) activity on Friday (11/10/2024). This activity took place in the Priyono Meeting Room, Poerbatjaraka Building, FIB Unud, Sanglah Campus, Denpasar.

This AMI activity targets the Faculty of Humanities as the Study Program Management Unit (UPPS) along with the twelve study programs in the FIB Unud environment, namely Masters and Doctoral Programs in Cultural Studies, Masters and Doctoral Programs in Linguistics, Indonesian Literature, English Literature, Balinese Literature, Japanese Literature, Old Javanese Literature, History, Archeology, and Cultural Anthropology.

This AMI activity took place in four sessions. In the first session, FIB Unud as the UPPS was audited first. This session was attended by the ranks of FIB Unud Leadership and the Coordinators of Units and Sub Units in the FIB Unud environment.

The study program quality audit was carried out in the next three sessions, attended by the Study Program Coordinator and the respective Study Program Quality Assurance Team.

Dean of FIB Unud, I Nyoman Aryawibawa, S.S, M.A., Ph.D. in his speech, he stated that AMI activities are annual activities carried out by universities and faculties to maintain the quality of FIB Unud's educational services and it is hoped that study programs will carry out internal audits not only during AMI events so that the quality of study programs at FB Unud is maintained and even improved.

Chairman of UP3M, Dr. Ni Ketut Widhiarcani Matradewi, M.Hum said "This activity is an annual agenda that we always carry out. Its function is to maintain the quality of the faculty and study program itself. In this activity, the auditor will check the UPPS and study program quality documents and their completeness. "The results of this field audit will be submitted to UPPS and the study program later."